Edraw Viewer Component for Word added some methods to do the office automation. The GotoItem method helps to position the cursor in MS Word document.

boolean GotoItem([in] WdGoToItem What, [in]
WdGoToDirection Which, [in, optional] VARIANT Count, [in,
optional] VARIANT Name);
Goes to the specified item in the Word document.
What: Optional Object. The kind of item to which the range or selection is moved. Can be one
of the WdGoToItem constants.
Which: Optional Object. The item to which the range or selection is moved. Can be one of the
WdGoToDirection constants.
Count: Optional Object. The number of the item in the document. The default value is 1.
Only positive values are valid. To specify an item that precedes the range or selection, use
wdGoToPrevious as the Which argument and specify a Count value.
Name: Optional Object. If the What argument is wdGoToBookmark, wdGoToComment,
wdGoToField, or wdGoToObject, this argument specifies a name.
enum WdGoToItem
wdGoToStart = 101,
wdGoToEnd = 102,
wdGoToBookmark = -1 ,
wdGoToComment = 6 ,
wdGoToEndnote = 5 ,
wdGoToEquation = 10 ,
wdGoToField = 7 ,
wdGoToFootnote = 4 ,
wdGoToGrammaticalError= 14 ,
wdGoToGraphic = 8 ,
wdGoToHeading= 11 ,
wdGoToLine = 3 ,
wdGoToObject = 9 ,
wdGoToPage = 1 ,
wdGoToPercent = 12 ,
wdGoToProofreadingError = 15 ,
wdGoToSection = 0 ,
wdGoToSpellingError = 13 ,
wdGoToTable = 2 ,
enum WdGoToDirection
wdGoToAbsolute = 1,
wdGoToFirst = 1,
wdGoToLast = -1 ,
wdGoToNext = 2 ,
wdGoToPrevious = 3 ,
wdGoToRelative = 2 ,
The following java script shows how to go to the file end.
function GoToItem_Example ()
Edword.GoToItem( 102, 1 );